Veronica Ewers

Veronica Ewers burst onto the American cycling scene in the summer of 2021 when she placed third in the U.S. road race national championship. That result earned her a guest spot racing in Europe that fall which in turn led to her first pro contract. In just two professional seasons, Veronica has won the Navarra Elite Classics as well as a stage at the Festival Elsy Jacobs, and podiumed at the Giro dell’Emilia, Emakumeen Nafarroako, and Tre Valli Varesine Women. In 2022, she had a pair of top ten stage finishes at the Tour de France Femmes where she finished ninth on the general classification. Last season she finished in the top five on stages at the Giro d’Italia Women three times and ultimately came in fourth overall.

About to embark on her third season, Veronica loves the longer mountain climbs. She is proud of how far she has come but is determined to keep pushing herself and sees her development as an on-going process.

Veronica’s competitive streak extends beyond bike racing. She often brings Bananagrams, a fast-paced vocabulary game, to races and camps and will play against any teammate or staff member foolish enough to accept her challenge.

She is an avid cook and enjoys experimenting with new recipes and flavors.

Fun Facts

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
I would really love to visit Vietnam as it is a country with a culture very different from any I've been fortunate to experience so far. I also love Vietnamese food and have also heard it is an incredible place to visit.

What is your favorite word in your native language? What does it mean? What do you like about it?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – something to say when you have nothing to say (I just wanted to prove I could spell it).

Think about your best teammate ever. What was the quality in them that you appreciated?
They gave 110% in competition and training, while staying humble and were able to be serious when it was necessary but fun loving and carefree in other moments. They had balance in their life around their sport and life away from it.

What did you study in university?
BA in Anthropology and Spanish

What is your favorite pump-up song?
International by Chali 2na

Date of birth: 09/01/1994
Hometown, Country: Moscow, Idaho, USA
Languages: Spanish, English
Nicknames: V (in many forms... tenacious V, sweet V, V-Ron, etc.)

Follow Veronica on Social
Instagram: @vkewers